Saturday, April 4, 2009

A couple of interesting FREE NParks Events on 18 April 2009

D.I.Y Vertical Garden

Saturday 18 Apr 09
Time: 3 pm – 4pm
Venue: HortPark, Fruit Room

For more information and registration:


Jemput! Rediscovering Plants in Malay Cuisine & Culture.

Date: Saturday 18 Apr 09
Time: 4pm (lasts approximately 1.5 hours)
Venue: Fort Canning Park

For more information and registration:

1 comment:

  1. Ok, so I went to the Jemput! event. It was tiring... about two hours walking through the Spice Garden at the Fort Canning Park, but illuminating. Chiefly because it introduced me to the Spice Garden, which has quite a comprehensive range of herbs and spices used in this region. All labelled to help you identify the plants. Fascinating place -- I'd love to go visit again, on my own this time.

    The walk started with an explanation of the use of plants in Malay wedding rituals right at the Fort Canning Centre itself. This was followed by a stroll through the Spice Garden, looking at the various edible plants commonly used in Malay cuisine or in Malay salad ('ulam'). The event ended with a description of common ingredients used in Jamu.
